Saturday, July 12, 2014

So, Who's Been Reading This?

When I started this blog I figured it would be a good place for me to unload some of the more weighty things on my mind, and maybe a few flighty ones. My output hasn't exactly been prolific recently, though it's not from a lack of things to say. No, I've started about 5 other posts that I discarded simply because I couldn't make sense of what I wanted to say. Did you ever have an idea about something that made perfect sense to you yet no sense to everyone else? I got halfway through them when I realized that my ideas were actually not so good, requiring some very tortuous justifications. When that happens it's time to re-evaluate, and that's diminished my output considerably. I suppose that's better than publishing them and pissing everybody off, right? On the Internet every person has a shot at fame, and I'd prefer that my shot not come in the form of someone glomming onto something stupid I wrote and having it go viral.

I mention that possibility because someone is reading this. I got a large burst of readers once when I pimped it to my friends on Facebook, and I put it in my profile on (shameless plug), one of my favorite websites, which resulted in a few looks. My curiosity has gotten the better of me, though. Are the rest of the views just random, or does anybody actually trouble themselves to read what I write? Are there any repeat readers aside from my wife and a couple of friends? What should I be writing about that I'm not already?

In any event, I'm not going anywhere. Tilting at windmills is my thing, and what better place is there to do it than a blog? Maybe I'll look over some of the stuff I scrapped and see if I can make it make sense. Or maybe something will inspire me today. Who knows? Regardless, thanks for reading.

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